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Bishop's Queen Page 14
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Page 14
His target was sleeping, turned on his side, looking peaceful as anything. This man needed to die for multiple reasons. He’d hurt Isla, who didn’t belong to him. And he needed to be gone so she felt safe again.
So she wouldn’t have a protector 24/7. He needed Bishop out of the way so he could get to Isla. And this was the best way to do it.
Adrenaline surging, he reached into his back pocket to pull out the chloroform and cloth. It was quick-dissolving and nearly impossible to detect in an autopsy.
As he approached the bed, blood rushed in his ears, power flooding through his body as he leaned down close.
As if the man sensed something, a shift in the air maybe, his victim’s eyes popped open in confusion. Before he could really appreciate the visible fear, he shoved the cloth over the man’s face.
The man’s arms flailed out but stilled almost immediately, his entire body going lax.
He smiled as he stepped back, his dick rock-hard as he thought of what was to come. Killing always did this to him. Always got him hard. He’d have to jerk off later, but for now there was nothing to do about it.
Now it was time to get to work. He had to set the stage and make sure everything was perfect for when the cops found the body.
* * *
Hours later as he rode up the elevator of the high-rise where he had access to an empty, bank-owned condo, he smiled about what he’d done.
The cops were too stupid to figure out anything. He was too smart for all of them. He’d killed others before tonight and never been caught. It was always people who got in his way. Some hands-on, others hands-off, as in the case of the bombing at Bishop’s company. But it was always the same outcome. Get in the way of his wants or desires? Then you died.
He wished he had someone to share his handiwork with, to show off to.
He wanted to tell Isla. But he couldn’t tell her anything. She would never understand. He’d thought she’d liked him, that she could be with him. But she was back with Bishop.
Some of his good mood started to fade as he reached the top floor. He shouldn’t be here but he’d hacked into the security and wiped a record of his presence. No one would know.
Besides, he simply had to see her. Had to know what she was doing. It was a long shot, but he would try.
In the empty penthouse of the foreclosed condo, his shoes were barely perceptible against the tile as he made his way to where the tripod and long-range camera were set up.
This was the kind of stuff the paparazzi used and it was worth every penny.
As he dropped his duffel bag on the ground next to the equipment, he stepped up to the camera and looked through the lens. It took a moment to adjust, but it was pointed where it always was.
Evan Bishop’s condo. The windows had automatic blinds, but the man didn’t always keep them shut. Why would he, when he was so high up with no one to look in?
Isla used to stay there at Bishop’s high-rise all the time and he’d watched her. Watched her and Bishop together.
He’d tried to get a visual of her place but hadn’t been able to because of the way the building was angled. Hadn’t mattered anyway because she’d always been at Bishop’s. He snarled in disgust.
Thankfully he was able to see right into the master bedroom.
He nearly jerked back when he saw Isla staring right out the window, completely naked except for some kind of filmy robe. It was as if she was looking right at him.
Just like that his dick got hard again.
She was beautiful, her long hair flowing around her shoulders and breasts as she took a sip of something from a mug. Probably tea.
He snapped a picture.
He started to pull his dick out of his pants, then Bishop appeared out of nowhere, moving in behind her and wrapping a blanket and then his arms around her. He leaned down and nuzzled Isla’s neck, probably whispered something dirty to her.
Anger punched through him. That should be him. Should be him holding her. Turning her on. But the whore had made her decision.
Gripping himself, he stroked in hard, angry pulls. She was his, no one else’s. Not Bishop’s. Only his.
And if he couldn’t have her, no one could.
Before he killed her, he was going to get a taste of what he’d been missing.
Maybe when he finally killed her, he’d be able to move on, get over this terrible obsession with her.
Chapter 22
Isla looked up and found Evan watching her across the conference room table. For some ridiculous reason she found her cheeks warming under that intense gaze. “What?” she asked.
“Just thinking about how beautiful you are.”
She blinked, her cheeks going even warmer. “If I didn’t know you, I’d say that sounds like a line.”
“No line, just the truth. And I’m not talking about looks either, though you are beautiful. I just… Waking up to you the last couple mornings has meant a lot to me. You mean a lot to me.”
She leaned back in her chair, watching him carefully, surprised at how honest he was being, how vulnerable he was letting himself be right now. A tiny kernel of hope popped inside her. He’d told her he wanted to show her with action, not just words, how much she meant to him. Well, the words mattered too, and she hadn’t realized how much she needed them. He’d never been super vocal—except in the bedroom. This “extra” from him was different, but she liked it.
“Last night was very nice,” she murmured, thinking about what they’d done once they’d gotten to his place after the going-away party. She hadn’t been ready to give him an answer about “them” and thankfully he hadn’t pushed. But he had gotten her naked. So, very naked. Aaaand she really cursed her redheaded coloring right now because there was no hiding the growing blush across her cheeks.
Evan let out a low growl as his gaze dipped to her mouth. He’d started to respond when the conference room door opened.
Carol stepped in, efficient as always. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but there’s a Detective Duarte here to see you. I knew you’d want to see him right away. I think he has news.” She whispered the last part and ducked out.
As her nerves started to prickle at the thought of possible news, Isla shut her laptop and Evan did the same. Then she gathered the few papers and placed them facedown on the conference table as the detective was shown into the room. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him not to see what they were working on, but they had a lot of privacy clauses with most of their contracts that they had to be conscious of.
“Detective,” she said, standing and motioning for him to sit.
“I’m good, but thanks. This shouldn’t take too long.”
“Would you like anything to drink or eat?” Carol asked, standing in the open doorway. Her dark hair was pulled back into a chic twist at her neck and her dark blue wrap dress matched her eyes.
He shook his head and Isla’s assistant quickly ducked out, the door shutting with a soft whoosh behind her.
“Good news?” Isla asked. She knew he was supposed to have gotten the warrant this morning for Rodney’s house and computer, and she’d already turned over everything she could from his work computer. And, well, the detective had to be here for a reason. The man was far too busy to simply stop by to talk.
“I have news. Rodney Wood is dead.” His tone was neutral, his gaze just as flat as he delivered the information.
She blinked then glanced at Evan in surprise—and by the brief flicker in his gaze, he was surprised too. They both looked back at the detective.
“What happened?” Evan asked before she could.
Despite what he said before, the detective took a seat at the end of the table, facing both of them. “Looks like a suicide. I shouldn’t give you all the details but I’m going to use some discretion. He overdosed and…he had a sort of shrine to you,” he said, focusing on her. “It looks as if he’s been stalking you for a little while.”
Uh, say what? “Seriously? He didn’t even seem to like me.”r />
The detective lifted a shoulder. “There’s a lot of evidence that says he was behind poisoning you and the attack at the hospital. He’s had issues with women before—domestic ones.”
“What?” She couldn’t believe she didn’t know about this. Her company had strict policies in place regarding things like domestic violence.
“Nothing on record because the charges were always dropped. Anyway, he left a note—a confession of sorts. I have no idea if the note is real as it hasn’t been analyzed, but the scene itself…it looks real. He had a few security badges that were definitely not his own, giving him access to this building, and his prints were all over them. And he had a uniform of one of the food delivery services you use. It would explain how he got into your office undetected. We’re going to review the feeds and see what we can find, but since we already know he hacked the security system, I’m not sure what we’ll find if he’s erased the original feeds.”
“You’re sure he’s the one who hacked the system?” Isla asked.
“A cursory look at his computer says yes. Our tech people are going to dig deeper but it looks as if he’s guilty. I’m not sure on everything yet, but I will cross all T’s and dot all I’s.”
She allowed relief to slide through her at the detective’s words. Still… “It’s just weird. I never got the feeling that he was into me. You said he had a shrine to me? What exactly does that mean?”
Clearing his throat, he shifted uncomfortably. “He had pictures of you. Taken from a long-range camera. You are not completely dressed in all of them.”
She felt sick to her stomach as his words settled in. “Oh my God, like naked pictures? He was watching me?” She wrapped her arms around herself and before she could blink Evan had rounded the table and sat right next to her, his big body vibrating with rage.
“Nobody better see any pictures of Isla,” he snapped to the detective. “Those aren’t going to get entered into any sort of evidence where people could take them. If they do, I’ll sue your entire department.”
Duarte sighed. “Look, I’ve already set the pictures aside and I’m going to be removing them from the file. This was a suicide—or it appears to be—and there’s no need for us to keep these pictures. I guarantee your privacy will be kept.” He looked between the both of them, his expression sincere.
Some tension eased inside her, but it grossed her out to know that Rodney had pictures of her—had been watching her. Even though he was dead, icy shivers still streaked down her spine. “Did your guys find him when…when you went to deliver the warrant?”
He nodded and stood, looking down at his phone which was buzzing insistently.
“You’re really sure it’s suicide?”
“It looks that way, but we’re still doing an autopsy. The pills are in his name, the scene looks right to me, but…I’m going to make sure everything is in order. I want to make sure you can close this chapter for good. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
There was so much damn sincerity in his expression and voice and she understood what made him such a good detective. The man truly cared. “Thank you for letting me know,” she said. “I know you didn’t have to come down here personally and I really appreciate it. I’m still having someone run an audit on our security system. They’re supposed to come in tomorrow.”
“Lizzy from Red Stone, right?” He pulled his buzzing phone out again, frowned at the screen.
She blinked. “How do you know that?”
“Ah, she’s my former partner’s sister-in-law. I’ve really got to take this. Call me if you need anything.” He didn’t wait for her response, just hurried from the room as he answered the call.
Isla turned in her seat and let Evan take her hands in his.
“It’s over,” he murmured, kissing her knuckles.
She closed her eyes for a moment. “I’m glad the threat is over, but it still feels weird that he’s dead.” She didn’t feel guilty because it wasn’t her fault, but it was still an odd feeling knowing that he had killed himself, that he’d been stalking her, had tried to kill her. Twice. And now he was just…gone.
Evan leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers, a soothing kiss, nothing more. And it was exactly what she needed.
Sighing, she laid her forehead against his for a long moment. Then she leaned back but didn’t let go of his hands. His touch was grounding in the most familiar way. “Thank you for being here through everything.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said quietly. “I know you don’t want any more apologies, but if you let me, I want to continue being there for you. I’m not giving up on us.”
“I think we need to take things one day at a time. Maybe go on a date?” They’d jumped into sex and her staying at his place so quickly. The staying over had to do with security reasons, but the sex? It was fantastic, yet she wasn’t sure it was the smartest choice.
She so desperately wanted to believe that he was sincere, that he wouldn’t bolt at the first sign of difficulty. And she believed that he believed his own words. His sincerity was true. But deep down, she was scared of getting hurt again. She’d trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone, and at the first sign of real trouble, he’d cut her out of his life.
“How about I take you out tomorrow night? There’s a movie showing down at the wharf.”
If he knew that, he must have been thinking ahead. The thought made her smile. “I think that sounds like a plan. And don’t expect to get lucky after.”
“I would never expect—but I will be hopeful.” His lips kicked up slightly, that charming, sexy man she knew right at the forefront. “And since I know your favorite things, I’ll pack a picnic basket.”
Her heart melted just a little bit at his words. This felt normal, right, and even though she was afraid to jump straight into things again, she was still going to give him a chance. He’d hurt her before, had stomped all over her heart, but… She believed that he was sorry. And she believed in second chances. She wasn’t naïve enough to think everyone deserved one. But he did. And living without him was worse than the fear of getting hurt again.
“I’ll need to move some things from your place back to mine.” She’d brought far too many things over, including most of her toiletries.
He stilled at her words. “Yeah, I guess you will. Unless…”
“Unless what?”
“Unless you just want to stay.”
Oh, how she wanted to. Desperately, in fact. She wanted to tell him yes, but if they were going to start fresh, she wanted to truly start fresh. And that meant getting to know each other again. Even if the sex was toe-curling, sheet-scorching hot. Once he was able to take his shirt off in front of her, to truly be okay with his scars, she knew they’d be ready to move forward. That wasn’t something she could push either. He simply had to trust in them.
“Not tonight. But we’ll see how tomorrow goes.” And she didn’t have to be a fortune-teller to know that she would very likely end up in his bed. Under him and on top of him. But after today she could admit she needed some downtime, to decompress and wrap her head around everything that had gone down. That the man who’d tried to kill her was gone, no longer a threat.
There was a knock on the door again, and when she glanced over she saw Carol standing there, her expression apologetic. “You’ve got two waiting calls. One from Mr. Conti and the other from Ms. Caldwell with Red Stone. I put them both on hold because I wasn’t sure who was priority.”
“Give me a second. I’ll take Lizzy’s call in my office. Ask Geno if I can call him back?”
Carol nodded as Isla stood and turned to Evan. “I’ve got to take these calls. And with Rodney… Well, with him not a problem anymore, you don’t have to stay here at the office anymore. I know it’s been a pain for you to work here.”
Evan shrugged. “It hasn’t been a pain. I’ll work here the rest of the day. I like being close to you,” he said bluntly.
“I like it too.” Way too much. God, mayb
e she was a fool, but she was going to risk her heart again. She loved the man too much not to.
A few moments later she was in her office. “Hey, Lizzy. Everything okay?”
“Everything’s great. My current job ended quicker than I thought. I wanted to see if you want me to come by this afternoon and start my audit early?” she asked.
“Yes, that’s fantastic. Look,” Isla said, “I talked to Detective Duarte today and he said that he knew you were running an audit on our security system.” And she was slightly annoyed that Lizzy had told the other man. Stuff like this was supposed to be confidential. She hadn’t even told her own security team.
“Yes, and I’m really sorry he even knows that. He and his wife were over at my brother-in-law Grant’s place last night along with a bunch of family. He asked me to do him a favor and contact you about looking into your security. He said his guys were working on the case and he wanted me to act as a consultant of sorts. So I told him I’d already been hired. The second the words were out I knew I shouldn’t have said anything, but—”
“No, that’s totally fine. That’s actually understandable. He got a call and I didn’t get to push him more on how he knew.” She went on to tell Lizzy about what she’d learned this morning about the man stalking her. “I know he’s dead, but I still want to look at anything related to him as well. And all of my security people. When do you think you’ll be here?”
“In about two hours.”
“Sounds good.”
Next she called Geno, and was surprised when he wanted to set up a dinner with her. Not a date, but simply dinner because he wanted to talk to her about something. Though she was sick to death of business dinners, she couldn’t say no to the man. Despite what Evan thought about him, she genuinely liked Geno. And she thought that if he ever stepped out of his father’s and brother’s shadows, he would find his footing in the world.
As she wrapped up the call, she looked up to Evan stepping into her office, carrying a mug with little white wisps of steam rolling off the top.