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Bishop's Endgame Page 18

  Her stomach tightened when she read the message from her sponsor, Sheila.

  In the hospital. I’m okay but came down with the flu. It turned into pneumonia. They’re pumping me full of fluids. I won’t be at any meetings this week. I’m in room 243 if you want to stop by. Would love to see a friendly face. Bring chocolate.

  The message was kind of formal but she imagined that it probably had taken all of her friend’s energy to type out the message anyway. She shoved back her chair, leaving her half-eaten bowl of what was now mush.

  “What is it?” Otto asked.

  She tucked her phone into her back pocket. “My friend—ah, my sponsor,” she added because it wasn’t a secret to her stepfather or Otto that she was a recovering alcoholic. “She’s in the hospital. I have to go see her.”

  Otto shook his head even as he tossed the banana peel into the trash. “You’re not supposed to leave the house.”

  Anger intermingled with fear inside her. Who was he to tell her what she could or could not do? “Whoever kidnapped me let me go. He apparently got what he wanted and that doesn’t include me anymore. I’m going, so unless you plan on kidnapping me too, I’m gone.”

  Otto cursed behind her as she hurried out of the room. She wasn’t familiar with this house but she knew that various sets of car keys were on a hook right outside the door that led to the garage. And if she couldn’t take one of those cars, she would simply call an Uber.

  “Wait,” Otto said as he hurried after her, typing something into his phone.

  “You’re not stopping me.” The truth was, he could totally stop her if he wanted but she wasn’t sure that was how her stepfather wanted to play this. She could be wrong though. Maybe he was going to go all heavy-handed and keep her a prisoner.

  “I’ll drive you,” he said as they reached the door to the five-car garage.

  She turned to look at him in surprise. “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Oh, that meant her stepfather had ordered him to. She didn’t like having an escort but she would take it.

  With the way Otto drove, it thankfully didn’t take long to get to the hospital.

  She texted Sheila, letting her know that she’d arrived. In response, Arianna received a happy face emoji.

  After stopping by the information desk for directions, they headed to the bank of elevators on the first floor. This place was huge, and if they hadn’t been given directions, she would have definitely gotten lost.

  “Look, you don’t need to go inside with me. Not right now. She’s got pneumonia,” she said as Otto pressed the correct floor on the elevator pad. “I want to see how she’s doing first.”

  “All right. I’ll grab some coffee in the cafeteria, but I’m not leaving.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Want me to grab anything for you?” he asked as she got off on the right floor. He put his hand out to hold the door open instead of following her.

  “I’m okay. I’ve got my phone on me if you need me.” Heart racing, she hurried down the hallway, following the signs. It was quiet on this floor, which had to be a good thing for Sheila. She couldn’t believe her friend had gotten the flu so quickly. And pneumonia on top of that. Arianna knew Sheila had been so looking forward to having coffee with her daughter and she hoped that it had gone well.

  As she reached the correct door, she knocked softly and pushed it open a few inches. She didn’t want her friend to have to get up.

  “It’s me,” she called out. “I don’t have any presents, because I wanted to get here as soon as I could. I’ll grab you anything you want from the cafeteria though.” Quietly, she eased the door shut behind her. The bed was empty but the bathroom door was closed so she must be in there.

  As she stepped farther into the room, Ellis and a woman she recognized stepped out of the bathroom.

  Arianna’s eyes widened even as joy filled her to see him.

  “Are you alone?” he murmured.

  She shook her head. “One of my stepfather’s men came with me. He’s in the cafeteria though.”

  Evie hurried past her to lock the door.

  She wasn’t sure what the heck was going on but she rushed toward Ellis at the same time he moved toward her. He hauled her to him, his grip tight, and she hugged him right back. God, she’d missed him and they hadn’t been apart a full day. He smelled like the Irish Spring soap he used, but underlying it was that masculine scent that drove her crazy.

  “I needed you out of the house. A friend of mine cloned your friend Sheila’s phone. She’s completely fine. No flu.”

  She let out a shaky breath and shifted back so she could look up at him. “That was pretty risky.”

  “I know. But something is going down tonight and I can’t do anything unless I know you’re safe.”

  “Tonight? With my stepfather?” She glanced over at his sister, who’d remained quiet.

  Ellis hesitated. “Yes. I’m meeting up with the Feds today. I want to help bring Vitaly and my former boss down. I don’t know how things will work out. They might arrest me. I just don’t know.”

  “You’re not going to be arrested,” Evie snapped.

  Ellis simply shrugged and kept his gaze pinned on Arianna. “I don’t know anything at this point, but I couldn’t move forward until I knew you were safe.”

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispered, holding on tight. It was weird having an audience but she didn’t care.

  “I’ve missed you too,” he groaned as he bent down, barely skating his lips over hers. It wasn’t nearly enough but she understood. She wasn’t going to make out with him in front of his sister because that was beyond weird, and they were both still in danger with Otto nearby.

  “So what happens now? Now that I’m out of the house? You’re going to the Feds and…what will I do?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you would have an escort or not. If you ditch him it will look weird and put Vitaly on alert—which could screw up tonight’s meeting.”

  “So you’re just going to stay here,” Evie said, drawing Arianna’s attention to her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you’ll hang tight in this room with me. You can tell your stepfather’s guy to go home. If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to. But I have a feeling that if you make a big enough stink about him wanting you to leave, you’ll be fine. I doubt he’s going to pull a gun on you and drag you out of here.”

  True enough. Unless he was completely stupid, they’d catch him on camera. “What about the hospital though? They’re not going to let us just hang out here.”

  Evie snorted. “Our parents donated an entire wing. One of the doctors—who is friends with our dad—is handling a ‘patient’ in here who is famous and wants their privacy. All nurses have strict instructions to stay out. This room is ours. Trust me, we’re totally fine right now. If anyone comes in, I’ll be posing as said famous person’s assistant and tell them to get lost.”

  Oh, right. She forgot that Ellis came from a whole lot of money. Ellis was so grounded it was easy to forget.

  “Just listen to whatever my sister says.” He leaned down and kissed Arianna, harder this time.

  She kissed him back, swallowing all the questions she had as she put her feelings, her hunger, into this kiss. She knew now wasn’t the time to grill him, could feel the energy and tension pumping through Ellis as if it was a tangible thing. He’d taken a risk by getting her out of her stepfather’s house and she would totally listen to his sister.

  “Just be safe,” she ordered as he pulled back.

  “You too,” he rasped out.

  * * *

  Tension hummed in Ellis’s chest as he stood in the driveway in front of his brother Evan’s truck.

  “She won’t throw you to the wolves,” Evan said as if he’d read Ellis’s mind.

  Ellis rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, not making a move for the walkway yet. He couldn’t order his feet into action. “I don’t have a
lot of faith in people lately.”

  “Well you better have faith in me and Evie. And I’m telling you, Agent Lewis—Georgina—is solid. You know that or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Yeah, I know. It doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He’d left Arianna in the very capable hands of his sister and he trusted Evie more than most. He trusted his brother too, but Arianna would feel safer with Evie.

  And if he was being honest, if someone came after Arianna, he trusted Evie to slit their throat if necessary. Evan was also capable, but Evie, she had that killer instinct. Not to mention that she was a woman, so people would naturally underestimate her. His sister would use that to her advantage right before she struck someone down with a vicious blow they never saw coming.

  “Don’t think I’m going to forget that you brought Evie into this before me,” his older brother muttered. Evan had a beard now, and though it covered most of the scars on the side of his face, those pinkish lines and striations dipped down lower, past his neckline. The scars aside, Evan was different now, more serious.

  For some reason the ridiculous words made him laugh. “I sent you a postcard before her.”

  His brother just grunted. “Were you referring to kidnapping when you said you had things figured out?”

  Ellis just shrugged.

  Evan shook his head. “Why did it come from Montana?”

  “I used a company that mails postcards from random places for a fee. Look, I’ve missed you guys. I mean, I know I’ve been on undercover work forever anyway, but this is different. I couldn’t come home.” But he’d wanted to.

  Taking him off guard, Evan grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. “We’ve missed you too.”

  He squeezed back then took a step back, shoving the knot of emotion down into his chest. There was no time to process that now. “Let’s do this.”

  All his muscles were pulled taut as he strode up the walkway with his brother toward the nondescript house in a quiet neighborhood of one-story ranch-style homes. Before he could knock, Agent Georgina Lewis opened the door.

  In jeans and a long-sleeved dark blue sweater, she stepped back. Her dark hair was pulled up into a ponytail and her gray eyes popped against her brown skin. And her expression brooked no bullshit. “Come on in. It seems we have a lot to discuss.”

  Even though the back of his neck tingled, telling him it was stupid to jump into the fire with federal agents who could arrest him at any moment, he nodded and walked straight into the lion’s den. At least his brother had his back and he knew Arianna was safe.

  Knowing that made everything else easier to deal with.

  He was going to do what he came here to do—confirm to the Feds about Vitaly and Bird and about the recording of Carter’s murder.

  Evie had already talked to Georgina and given her the recording taken from Vitaly’s office, or the woman wouldn’t even be meeting with Ellis.

  Now, he just hoped they finished things and took down Vitaly and Bird. And that Carter finally got the justice he deserved.

  Chapter 25

  Arianna stretched her legs out on the bench by the hospital window. As far as rooms went, this place was impressive. The floors were some kind of faux wood in a light coloring, the bed looked larger than normal, and the three-panel window let in a lot of natural light even with the tint over the glass. Everything was in tones of cream and gray but was soothing more than depressing. The Bishop family really must have friends here. And if they’d donated a wing, no wonder.

  She and Evie had chatted throughout the day, though Evie had been working on her cell phone and laptop on and off. Arianna wanted to know if her calls had anything to do with Ellis, but anytime she asked a question about what was happening tonight Evie had shut her down. Not that she blamed her.

  Even now, Evie was pacing by the door, talking in low tones to whoever she was on the phone with. After a growl of frustration, she suddenly shoved her phone into her pocket.

  “Is that about Ellis? I mean, I know you can’t tell me any details, but is he okay?” Arianna could hear the desperation in her own voice but didn’t care.

  Evie’s blue eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “You really do care about him.”

  “I do.” So much that it scared her. Especially now, knowing that he might end up in jail.

  “Good.” Sighing, his sister absently tugged on her long, dark ponytail. “He’s fine. I just want to be there with him tonight.”

  “With him? Is he…working with the Feds, like directly?” He’d been so vague and Evie hadn’t been any clearer.

  Evie lifted a shoulder.

  Okay, that was answer enough. Shutting her eyes, Arianna rubbed her temples. Her phone buzzed, pulling her out of her own thoughts. “It’s Otto. He’s ready to go.” And it was no wonder, considering it was almost six o’clock. She texted him back, telling him that she was going to stay and that he could leave.

  She frowned at the next text.

  I’m on my way up.

  “Crap,” she muttered, swinging her legs off the side of the bench. “He’s coming up here. Let me head this off and tell him to go home.”

  “If anything feels off just come back here,” Evie said.

  “I will.” Arianna knew the other woman didn’t like letting her leave but she’d met with Otto a few times throughout the day just to check in with him so he didn’t get nosy and come up here—and find that she was in a room with Evie Bishop, sister of her stepfather’s enemy.

  “In fact, here, take this.” Evie handed her a folded-up knife.

  She stared at it. “What do you want me to do with this?”

  “Stab somebody.”

  She snorted. “That’s not happening.”

  Evie shrugged. “Just hold on to it. It’ll make me feel better knowing you’re armed.”

  Even though she had no intention of using a knife, Arianna took it and tucked it into her pocket. Unless she physically opened it, there was no chance of it accidentally popping open and stabbing her. And since Evie was Ellis’s sister, she didn’t want to insult her by rejecting it.

  “So…you think the whole eating Fritos plain thing is weird, right?” she asked, hoping to lighten the mood and take her mind off everything.

  “Oh my gosh, yes!” Evie nodded enthusiastically as they headed to the door. “It’s the grossest thing. I mean I like Fritos and chili, but by themselves? No thanks. Ellis is such a weirdo.”

  Arianna half-smiled as she reached the door. “I’ll be back in five or ten minutes. Depends on how long it takes me to convince him to leave.” She had a feeling she had an argument on her hands, but she didn’t care. No way was she going back to that house.

  “I’m going to tail you, but I’ll stay out of sight.”

  She nodded and stepped out into the hallway, looking both ways before taking a right and heading to the elevators. She hoped to cut Otto off before he even made it to this floor.

  Her sneakers were quiet as she strode down the mostly deserted hallway. It had been quiet all day, and Evie had told her it was because it was a recovery wing. Which was good because she hadn’t had to deal with seeing anybody. Apparently they’d worked some sort of magic and the room was off-limits to staff as well.

  When she didn’t see Otto, she got onto the elevator and texted him that she was on her way down to the lobby. Stepping out, she found him focusing on his phone, his brow furrowed as he looked at the screen.

  “Hey, you can just go ahead and leave. I’m going to hang out for a while since she doesn’t have any family local. I can Uber back to my stepdad’s.”

  Frowning, Otto tucked his phone away. “No, you’re coming back to his place. I have strict orders.”

  He paused as a man wearing pale blue scrubs stepped out of another elevator. The guy didn’t even seem to see them, just kept looking at something on his phone as he hurried down the hallway.

  Arianna shoved her hands in her pockets to hide her trembling. “I don’t care what your orders are. I don’t work f
or my stepfather and I’m staying here.”

  Surprising her, Otto snaked out a hand, grabbing her upper arm in a viselike grip. “No. You’re coming with me.”

  The first frisson of fear slid down her spine as she looked into his cold eyes. Gone was the nice man she’d known before, the one who told her she reminded him of his own daughter. Now she was looking into the eyes of a cold-blooded criminal who worked for her stepfather. “I’m not going anywhere,” she gritted out, tugging against his grip.

  “Yes, you are.” He tightened his fingers hard enough to leave a bruise. “And you have some explaining to do.”

  She tugged again, trying to step away from him. “Explaining?” Oh, God, had they found the hidden cell phone?

  “Yes. I just talked to your stepfather. It seems your friend isn’t at the hospital at all, but up north visiting family.”

  Arianna hid her reaction, frowning at him. Evie had told her that her hacker friend had somehow managed to ping Sheila’s phone so that it appeared as if it was in Miami. “You’re out of your mind. She’s just upstairs.”

  He pulled a gun out of nowhere and shoved it into her ribs. “Save the bullshit.”

  She sucked in a breath but he cut her off.

  “Scream and I shoot the next doctor or orderly who comes down this hallway,” he snarled as he started dragging her down the connecting hallway. Arianna had no choice but to comply, fear all but choking her.

  They’d barely gone a few feet before he pushed on an exit door.

  No no no. This was happening too fast. Evie wouldn’t know what had happened to her.

  “Your stepfather has some stuff to handle tonight, but then he’s going to deal with you. And whoever is up in that room, if there is anyone, will be dealt with soon enough too.” There was far too much glee in his voice.

  Another burst of fear exploded inside her at the thought of Evie being up there by herself, alone and vulnerable.

  Lifting her elbow, she tried to strike out at Otto but he backhanded her across the face. Stars exploded behind her eyes as her head snapped back.

  Her cheek throbbed as she stumbled forward, the pain stunning her.